Turmeric grows really well in the tropics and contains Curcumin which has many health benefits – easy to find out about on the internet. It’s readily available at Rusty's Market if you don’t grow your own and can be used fresh, dried, or in paste form. The benefit of...
Make Your Own Cheese – Yoghurt Labneh
For those who missed our April meeting, here is Jenny Trezise's video on how to make Labneh cheese from yoghurt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj9-7JbSwgU The transcript is below: Hi, my name is Jenny Trezise and I've been asked to do a short video presentation of a...
Water Kefir
At our January meeting, Marina was kind enough to bring along some Water Kefir grains to share with the group. She sent us through some instructions on how to care for your grains and how to create healthy and tasty fermented drinks using them. What is Water Kefir?...
Quick Tropical Vegetable Stir Fry
Ingredients: Brazilian spinach - handful Sambung - handful Sweet potato leaves and stem - chopped Peanut oil - 2 Tablespoon Peanut – handful roasted and crushed Coconut flakes – handful roasted Soy, Ginger and Honey Sauce recipe: Soy 1/4 cup Honey 2 Tablespoon Ginger...